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Just a middle school boy that loves nature. Here is a collection of photos that I have taken with a little help of my sister.

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Dan Doucette KeithRoragen C.Sydes Scott Frazier
Kellyspubvista Gilma Jeannette Ospino Ferreira-Norman Giovani TeresaBurke
Philaeus chrysops ChristosKazilas 13 2 Philaeus chrysops
Spiny Flower Mantis (Nymph) pamsai 68 40 Spiny Flower Mantis (Nymph)
Gemeine Goldwespe AlexGarv 24 9 Gemeine Goldwespe
Hoverfly AlexGarv 10 3 Hoverfly
Mantis sunnyjosef 21 4 Mantis
Puerto Rican Tody KarlaM.MoralesMoreno 55 29 Puerto Rican Tody
Wasp Mimic Moth dandoucette 23 11 Wasp Mimic Moth
Spotting DebayanDeb 2 0 Spotting
Rana marsupial Ricardo Zambrano C. 16 9 Rana marsupial
Belted Kingfisher (male) CindyBinghamKeiser 11 5 Belted Kingfisher (male)
Strawberry Poison Frog DanielVelho 7 2 Strawberry Poison Frog
harvestmen dandoucette 1 0 harvestmen
Spotting dandoucette 1 4 Spotting
katydid/cricket S Frazier 60 34 katydid/cricket
Shaheen Falcon Radha 17 6 Shaheen Falcon
Rustic pupa Subin S 44 21 Rustic pupa
Jumping Spider with Prey KeithRoragen 17 13 Jumping Spider with Prey
Leaf Rolling Weevil, Giraffe Weevil ToshimiDowaki 14 7 Leaf Rolling Weevil, Giraffe Weevil
Scarlet-tipped Wasp Mimic -Clear-wing Moth sweepnoise 28 11 Scarlet-tipped Wasp Mimic -Clear-wing Moth
Woodland Vole Fyn Kynd 22 19 Woodland Vole
Zebra Sphinx Caterpillar dandoucette 2 4 Zebra Sphinx Caterpillar
Marbled Salamander coyoteowlwoman 11 4 Marbled Salamander
Eastern Fence Lizard ConorSheaWing 2 2 Eastern Fence Lizard
Hooded Merganser Liam 140 77 Hooded Merganser
Luna Moth ConorSheaWing 8 5 Luna Moth
Rosy Maple Moth ConorSheaWing 7 4 Rosy Maple Moth
Regal Moth ConorSheaWing 13 9 Regal Moth
Clown Frogfish MarcTe 29 14 Clown Frogfish
Wasp mimic jumping spider PongWira 31 10 Wasp mimic jumping spider
Longhorned grasshopper PongWira 42 20 Longhorned grasshopper
Red Stag Beetle PongWira 14 3 Red Stag Beetle
Skipper LandmarkExpert 1 0 Skipper
Velvetleaf LandmarkExpert 2 2 Velvetleaf
Hummingbird RickVanGeest 9 2 Hummingbird
Spined Soldier Bug Nymphs beaker98 84 67 Spined Soldier Bug Nymphs
Wandering Violin mantis EvilstepchildExhumed 5 1 Wandering Violin mantis
Velvet Ant Ismael Chaves 1 2 Velvet Ant
Lagartija Tenue Braulio Alejandro Rivas Tapia 24 27 Lagartija Tenue
Tiuque Braulio Alejandro Rivas Tapia 1 0 Tiuque
Black-tailed Prairie Dog Gordon Dietzman 41 32 Black-tailed Prairie Dog
Satyr butterfly DanielVelho 82 39 Satyr butterfly
Hasselt's spiny-backed Orb weaver EvilstepchildExhumed 1 0 Hasselt's spiny-backed Orb weaver
Harvestman João Burini 1 1 Harvestman
Cup Fungi Radha 12 2 Cup Fungi
brahminy kite jim.manjooran 3 2 brahminy kite
Schizocephala bicornis HemantKumar 37 21 Schizocephala bicornis
Robber Fly andrewasmith1 4 2 Robber Fly
Spotting Uday 6 9 Spotting
Ant mimic spider Female sunnyjosef 17 14 Ant mimic spider Female
Spotting janellij 8 2 Spotting
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