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Irene Brady

Irene Brady

A naturalist, author & illustrator, I sketch and photograph in the Belize rainforest. You can download my sketch/journals from my website.

Benque Viejo, Belize, Central America

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Malcolm Wilton-Jones Reza Hashemizadeh The MnMs HemaShah
Brian38 maplemoth66 maplemoth662 mm3281323
Common House Gecko 1 0 Common House Gecko
Blue Morpho caterpillar 13 12 Blue Morpho caterpillar
Walking Stick Insect 2 1 Walking Stick Insect
Flag-footed Bug 4 0 Flag-footed Bug
White fungus 2 0 White fungus
Slime Mold 2 0 Slime Mold
Hairy Cup Fungus, Bristly Tropical Cup 9 2 Hairy Cup Fungus, Bristly Tropical Cup
Jaguar track 3 0 Jaguar track
Orthalithid Land Snail 5 0 Orthalithid Land Snail
Solpugid, Wind Scorpion 3 0 Solpugid, Wind Scorpion
Scorpion 0 0 Scorpion
Jumping Spider 2 0 Jumping Spider
Flat Rock Spider 14 11 Flat Rock Spider
Keyhole Limpet 2 0 Keyhole Limpet
Gecko 0 0 Gecko
Beach Morning Glory, Bayhops, Goat's Foot 0 0 Beach Morning Glory, Bayhops, Goat's Foot
Convex Crab, Convex Reef Crab, Variable Coral Crab 13 5 Convex Crab, Convex Reef Crab, Variable Coral Crab
Common Myna, Mynah, Indian Myna 0 0 Common Myna, Mynah, Indian Myna
Zebra Dove, Barred Ground Dove 1 0 Zebra Dove,  Barred Ground Dove
Apple Snail eggs 1 0 Apple Snail eggs
Violet Sea-snail, Common Violet Snail, Purple Storm Snail 2 0 Violet Sea-snail, Common Violet Snail, Purple Storm Snail
Pink Cattleheart Butterfly, Transandean Cattleheart 3 0 Pink Cattleheart Butterfly, Transandean Cattleheart
African TulipTree, Fountain Tree 2 1 African TulipTree, Fountain Tree
Horn-eyed Ghost Crab, Horned Ghost Crab 3 0 Horn-eyed Ghost Crab, Horned Ghost Crab
Crested Cardinal 4 0 Crested Cardinal
Thin Shelled Rock Crab, A'ama, Natal Lightfoot Crab 2 3 Thin Shelled Rock Crab, A'ama, Natal Lightfoot Crab
Wandering Tattler 1 0 Wandering Tattler
Diadema Urchin 1 0 Diadema Urchin
Pandanus, Hala, Thatch Screwpine 2 0 Pandanus, Hala, Thatch Screwpine
Western Honey Bee, European Honey Bee, Honeybee 1 0 Western Honey Bee, European Honey Bee, Honeybee
Helosis cayennensis, Spike-of-dragon, Tang-of-dragon 9 3 Helosis cayennensis, Spike-of-dragon, Tang-of-dragon
Slaty-tailed Trogon 1 0 Slaty-tailed Trogon
Great Currassow 4 1 Great Currassow
Common Basilisk, Jesus lizard, Jesus Christ Lizard, 1 0 Common Basilisk, Jesus lizard, Jesus Christ Lizard,
Chestnut-mandibled Toucan, Swainson’s Toucan 3 1 Chestnut-mandibled Toucan, Swainson’s Toucan
Sea Bean, Mucuna, Ojo de Buey 2 2 Sea Bean, Mucuna, Ojo de Buey
Fitzinger's Robber Frog 1 0 Fitzinger's Robber Frog
Bullseye Moth, Io Moth 6 0 Bullseye Moth, Io Moth
Mantled Howler Monkey 4 0 Mantled Howler Monkey
Turkey Tail Fungus 1 0 Turkey Tail Fungus
Monkey Ladder Vine 15 6 Monkey Ladder Vine
Fungus 0 0 Fungus
Wild Begonia 1 0 Wild Begonia
White-headed Capuchin Monkey 1 0 White-headed Capuchin Monkey
Boa Constrictor, Red-tailed Boa eating Great Crested Flycatcher 25 26 Boa Constrictor, Red-tailed Boa eating Great Crested Flycatcher
Anole Lizard 1 0 Anole Lizard
Large Forest Floor Millipede 3 0 Large Forest Floor Millipede
Needle Flower Tree 0 0 Needle Flower Tree
Red Net-winged Beetle, Golden Net-wing 4 2 Red Net-winged Beetle, Golden Net-wing
Reticulated Dart Frog, Red-backed Poison Frog 26 13 Reticulated Dart Frog, Red-backed Poison Frog
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