A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
My greatest pleasure.
Thank you for all the comments. I will make sure to read all the FAQs later on. And, I have renamed this spotting with the appropriate identification.
Thank you for the warm welcome.
Does it have red on the interior of its hind legs?
Judging by your location, I would guess that this is either Warren's Freshwater Crab, Potamonautes warreni, or else the Common RIver Crab, Potamonautes perlatus. It would help to see the back of the carapace. But, a very nice series of pictures... The crab looks alive.
I just started a new mission, entitled Mission Mollusk, as I noticed that there was no mission involving Mollusks. Would you, by any chance, be interested in joining the mission, and contributing this photo?
This looks like one of the butterflies from the family Lucanidae. Other than that, I'm not really familiar with Asian insects.
I have personally raised almost three hundred wild-caught Xenopus laevis tadpoles, and they are unmistakable. The key lies in the tail. Kassina senegalensis has a more colourful tail, whilst Xenopus tadpoles have transparent tails. Also, Kassina tadpoles have eyes that are positioned laterally, whilst Xenopus tadpoles have eyes that are located dorso-laterally.