A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
I have never seen an Amazon with red and yellow like that. Great picture!
What a BEAUTIFUL picture!
In Guam too! It is called Pugua or Mama'on. It is super bitter and grainy.
No. It is -a- pet, but not -my- pet.
This bird was born and raised in captivity. Not wild caught.
It was -very- fast, and nearly invisible against the sand. :)
I see these periodically, never knew what they were called. Only that the vines strangle the other plants, and they smell like tomatos what I chop 'em down.
Also called "Honu" in Hawai`i :)
I believe this is either a Sever Macaw or a Hans, it is difficult to tell without perspective on size. hans Macaws are similairly marked but smaller in size :)