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Hi! It's LilBunny. I love nature, so I thought I should start doing Project Noah again. Keep on enjoying the wildlife!

Toledo, Ohio

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meldejesus Philo1618 Machi Caleb Steindel
LilBunny White-tailed deer
White-tailed deer commented on by LilBunny Mississippi, USA8 years ago

This is most likely a white-tailed deer.

LilBunny Domestic Cattle
Domestic Cattle commented on by LilBunny Jawa Barat, Indonesia8 years ago

This is a bull. However, I have no idea whether it is male or female, or what kind of bull it is.

LilBunny Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by LilBunny Lat: 25.46 Lon: -80.458 years ago

I just commented on a spotting with a bird of this same size and build. I think it's a type of bird that stays this size throughout life.

LilBunny Turkey
Turkey commented on by LilBunny Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia8 years ago

That's most definitely a turkey.

LilBunny Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by LilBunny Tennessee, USA8 years ago

Scratch the part about the egret; I just saw how wrong I was about their size.

LilBunny Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by LilBunny Tennessee, USA8 years ago

It reminds me of an egret, despite that I haven't ever seen one. Reminds me more of one type of bird that is this size even as an adult.

LilBunny Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting commented on by LilBunny Arizona, USA8 years ago

I'm probably beyond wrong here, but do the black parts of the wings scream "pigeon" to anyone else? Also going with Malcolm's suggestion. Gorgeous shot, by the way! :)

LilBunny Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by LilBunny Lat: 23.29 Lon: 80.008 years ago

Not sure, but I think it might be an eagle. If so, great shot! :)

LilBunny Buenos Aires Tetra
Buenos Aires Tetra commented on by LilBunny Singapore8 years ago

I'm no expert, but it looks like just a normal goldfish to me. The green fish near it in the first photo, though; those look like more of an interesting spotting.

LilBunny Tulip
Tulip commented on by LilBunny Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA10 years ago

Hi venus. Just wanna say, I'm quitting. Since nobody will let me do anything without making me look like an idiot and not even letting me talk to people, I'm not needed. Please tell everyone on Nature Chat that they don't need to protest, because they won't ever see me again.

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