A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Lisa Powers is an award-winning nature photographer, writer and herpetologist/contract biologist and volunteers for Project Noah.
Hickman County, TN
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Scientific name: Speyeria cybele
Common name: Jumping Bristletail
Scientific name: Family Machilidae
Common name: Banded Watersnake
Scientific name: Nerodia fasciata
Common name: Central Newt
Scientific name: Notophthalmus viridescens louisianensis
Common name: Northern Zigzag Salamander (lead phase)
Scientific name: Plethodon dorsalis
Common name: Grey seal
Scientific name: Halichoerus grypus
Wikipedia: Grey seal
Common name: Green frog
Scientific name: Lithobates clamitans
Common name: Blue Spiny Lizard
Scientific name: Sceloporus cyanogenys
Common name: Eastern fox snake
Scientific name: Pantherophis vulpinus
Common name: Green frog
Scientific name: Lithobates clamitans