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MOwendy Hackberry Emperor
Hackberry Emperor commented on by MOwendy Missouri, USA10 years ago

You will want to wait for another confirmation since I'm just guessing, but the markings match well. This picture matches the color better:

MOwendy Blue Jay
Blue Jay commented on by MOwendy Harrisburg, Missouri, USA10 years ago

Thanks, it was very cute. When we first heard the chick, it was on a branch of a downed tree. When I came back to take the picture, it was on the ground. We did not see where the rest of the family was, but we could hear them, so it wasn't abandoned. I don't know if it was old enough yet for flying practice or not!

MOwendy Jack in the Pulpit
Jack in the Pulpit commented on by MOwendy Harrisburg, Missouri, USA10 years ago

Thank you, MackyYoung! That is it and that was a fast reply. I will update the spotting.

MOwendy Eastern Phoebe
Eastern Phoebe commented on by MOwendy Missouri, USA11 years ago

Thank you, Ava T-B! I will. What an awesome mission. And these Phoebe parents deserve some recognition for their intricate nest. :o)

MOwendy Wild Hiacynth
Wild Hiacynth commented on by MOwendy Missouri, USA11 years ago

I hope I did the suggestion thing right.

MOwendy Devil's Urn
Devil's Urn commented on by MOwendy Missouri, USA11 years ago

Those look way cooler in your photo then they do in my MDOC mushroom book. They need your picture!

MOwendy Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by MOwendy Missouri, USA11 years ago

I don't much like bugs, but that one is beautiful.

MOwendy Wild Hiacynth
Wild Hiacynth commented on by MOwendy Missouri, USA11 years ago

Awesome photo! How about Wild Hyacinth?

MOwendy Blue-eyed grass
Blue-eyed grass commented on by MOwendy Missouri, USA11 years ago

Thank you KarenL. It kept failing to load and I didn't get a response from support, but it is now working and you should see the pics!

MOwendy Bluets
Bluets commented on by MOwendy Missouri, USA11 years ago

Thanks Hope. Per the MO Wildflowers site: "This species and another, H. pusilla Schoepf, have been lumped together taxonomically and are now known as Hedyotis crassifolia Raf." So its okay we can't figure 'em out. :o) I chose Minima on this comparing the sepals in the photos, but it was just a guess. I think I got the Henbit and Deadnettle straight, but I've heard people talk and it sounds common to call it all Henbit anyway!

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