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Marcelo Allende

Marcelo Allende

Teacher and bird photographer by hobby

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AntónioGinjaGinja Malcolm Wilton-Jones eulalia rubio Latimeria
VSteven DB Calvin Jardel Prado
Black-throated trogon 14 5 Black-throated trogon
Tropical parula 4 2 Tropical parula
Magpie tanager 4 2 Magpie tanager
Masked-water tyrant 3 0 Masked-water tyrant
Green-headed tanager 8 1 Green-headed tanager
(Scaled woodcreeper) 2 0 (Scaled woodcreeper)
Arasarí fajado (Chestnut-eared aracari) 4 2 Arasarí fajado (Chestnut-eared aracari)
Surirí real (Tropical kingbird) 3 2 Surirí real (Tropical kingbird)
Zorzal collar blanco (White-necked thrush) 3 2 Zorzal collar blanco (White-necked thrush)
Carpinterito cuello canela (Ochre-collared piculet) 2 2 Carpinterito cuello canela (Ochre-collared piculet)
Pioró (Chesnut-headed tanager) 2 0 Pioró (Chesnut-headed tanager)
Milano cabeza gris (Gray-headed kite) 4 1 Milano cabeza gris (Gray-headed kite)
Chiví común (Red-eye vireo) 0 0 Chiví común (Red-eye vireo)
Jote cabeza colorada (Turkey vulture) 2 0 Jote cabeza colorada (Turkey vulture)
Frutero overo (Magpie tanager) 3 0 Frutero overo (Magpie tanager)
Pepitero vedoso (Green winged saltator) 0 0 Pepitero vedoso (Green winged saltator)
Tingazú (Squirrel cuckoo) 3 1 Tingazú (Squirrel cuckoo)
Tersina (Swallow-tanager) 9 7 Tersina (Swallow-tanager)
Zorzal colorado ( Rufous-bellied Thrush) 2 0 Zorzal colorado ( Rufous-bellied Thrush)
Zorzal chalchalero (Creamy-bellied thrush) 0 0 Zorzal chalchalero (Creamy-bellied thrush)
Boyero cacique (Red rumped cacique) 3 4 Boyero cacique (Red rumped cacique)
Arañero cara negra (Masked yellowthroat) 0 0 Arañero cara negra (Masked yellowthroat)
Milano plomizo (Plumbeous kite) 2 0 Milano plomizo (Plumbeous kite)
Cuclillo canela (Dark billed cuckoo) Coccyzus melacoryphus 1 0 Cuclillo canela (Dark billed cuckoo) Coccyzus melacoryphus
Milano tijereta (Swallow-tailed kite) 6 4 Milano tijereta (Swallow-tailed kite)
Hocó colorado (Rufescent tiger-heron) 3 1 Hocó colorado (Rufescent tiger-heron)
Tueré grande (Black-tailed tityra) 1 0 Tueré grande (Black-tailed tityra)
Benteveo rayado (Streaked flycatcher) 3 1 Benteveo rayado (Streaked flycatcher)
Benteveo mediano (Vermilion-crowned flycatcher) 3 0 Benteveo mediano (Vermilion-crowned flycatcher)
Yetapá negro (Long-tailed tyrant) 3 0 Yetapá negro (Long-tailed tyrant)
Milano tijereta (Swallow-tailed kite) 2 1 Milano tijereta (Swallow-tailed kite)
Calancate ala roja (White-eyed parakeet) 2 0 Calancate ala roja (White-eyed parakeet)
Golondrina ceja blanca (White-rumped swallow) 3 1 Golondrina ceja blanca (White-rumped swallow)
White browed blackbird 2 0 White browed blackbird
Scaly-headed parrot 2 0 Scaly-headed parrot
Lineated woodpecker 5 2 Lineated woodpecker
Toco toucan 17 8 Toco toucan
Swallow-tailed manakin 9 4 Swallow-tailed manakin
Green-headed tanager 1 1 Green-headed tanager
Violaceus euphonia 9 0 Violaceus euphonia
Reddish-bellied parakeet 7 3 Reddish-bellied parakeet
White-necked heron 3 1 White-necked heron
Boat-billed flycatcher 4 2 Boat-billed flycatcher
Blue tegu 5 1 Blue tegu
Large elaenia 0 0 Large elaenia
Purplish jay 0 0 Purplish jay
Screaming cowbird 0 0 Screaming cowbird
Striated heron 1 0 Striated heron
Yellow-billed cardinal 4 0 Yellow-billed cardinal
Chimango caracara 0 0 Chimango caracara
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