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Nature lover, traveller and photographer (none professionally!!).

Caloundra, Queensland

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Ismael Chaves LarsKorb Christiane DanielePralong
Christiane rutasandinas Jacob Gorneau kdpicturemaker
Megs18 Stoney Creek Frog
Stoney Creek Frog commented on by Megs18 Queensland, Australia10 years ago

Thanks Neil! We haven't been out to Stanthorpe for a while!

Megs18 Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Megs18 4551, Queensland, Australia12 years ago

Yes I think so but not sure of the name.

Megs18 Pied Cormorant
Pied Cormorant commented on by Megs18 4551, Queensland, Australia12 years ago

Thanks Sachin!

Megs18 Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Megs18 4380, Queensland, Australia12 years ago

Thanks Shanna!

Megs18 Eggs of predatory shield bug
Eggs of predatory shield bug commented on by Megs18 3078, Victoria, Australia12 years ago


Megs18 Rufous Hummingbird
Rufous Hummingbird commented on by Megs18 Lat: 49.23 Lon: -122.8112 years ago

Great series, fantastic photos!

Megs18 Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Megs18 4380, Queensland, Australia12 years ago

Tx Harsha, I've changed it to unknown. Maybe someone can identify it!

Megs18 Crab
Crab commented on by Megs18 4551, Queensland, Australia12 years ago

Hey Aaron, tx!

Megs18 Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting commented on by Megs18 4380, Queensland, Australia12 years ago

Thanks Malcolm. I'm really new to bird watching and I'm amazed at how I have grown to love it! Sometimes I get lucky when identifying and sometimes I don't!! Its great to have so many people who can help.

Megs18 Equatorial Spitting Cobra
Equatorial Spitting Cobra commented on by Megs18 New South Wales, Australia12 years ago

Wow! I would have run the other way! Very brave capture!!!

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