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Michael Kerr

Michael Kerr


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Adarsha B S
Michael Kerr Praying Mantis
Praying Mantis commented on by Michael Kerr Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA10 years ago

Thank you! I have been enjoying it, and I've checked out the FAQ!

Michael Kerr Praying Mantis
Praying Mantis commented on by Michael Kerr Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA10 years ago

Unfortunately I don't. From what I remember, though, the entirety of the body was green. I think the parts that look brown were just shadows, but I could be wrong.

Michael Kerr Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by Michael Kerr Curitiba, PR, Brazil10 years ago

I could see it either way, actually, but my money's on scale insects. They look rather similar to the third photograph here:

Michael Kerr Longhorn beetle
Longhorn beetle commented on by Michael Kerr Curitiba, PR, Brazil10 years ago

Amazing! I don't believe we have nearly that many species, if we have any long horned beetles at all.

Michael Kerr Longhorn beetle
Longhorn beetle commented on by Michael Kerr Curitiba, PR, Brazil10 years ago

That's a wonderful vantage point for the picture! How common are long horned beetles in Brazil?

Michael Kerr Lynx spider
Lynx spider commented on by Michael Kerr Karnataka, India10 years ago

Yeah, that's a lynx spider! Here's your confirmation:

I suspect it's a Hamadruas sikkimensis, as the Wikipedia page shows that the only Hamadruas in both India and China is the sikkimensis.

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