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rutasandinas fbiasi DanielleZigulich Giovani
Michael_Mahoney Domestic Goose hybrid
Domestic Goose hybrid commented on by Michael_Mahoney New Delhi, Delhi, India10 years ago

Not a swan

Michael_Mahoney American Toad
American Toad commented on by Michael_Mahoney Riverside, Illinois, USA11 years ago

Haha dont know why I wrote bullfrog, but I got the genus species name right.

Michael_Mahoney Brown-throated Sloth
Brown-throated Sloth commented on by Michael_Mahoney San José, Costa Rica11 years ago


Michael_Mahoney Brown-throated Sloth
Brown-throated Sloth commented on by Michael_Mahoney San José, Costa Rica11 years ago

I'm pretty sure the sloth was fine. They come down from the trees to deficate, so...

Michael_Mahoney Brown-throated Sloth
Brown-throated Sloth commented on by Michael_Mahoney San José, Costa Rica11 years ago

Well thanks everyone!

Michael_Mahoney Brown-throated Sloth
Brown-throated Sloth commented on by Michael_Mahoney San José, Costa Rica12 years ago

Well thanks everyone!

Michael_Mahoney Brown-throated Sloth
Brown-throated Sloth commented on by Michael_Mahoney San José, Costa Rica12 years ago

Thanks harsuame!

Michael_Mahoney Brown-throated Sloth
Brown-throated Sloth commented on by Michael_Mahoney San José, Costa Rica12 years ago

Ya you're probably right!

Michael_Mahoney Brown-throated Sloth
Brown-throated Sloth commented on by Michael_Mahoney San José, Costa Rica12 years ago

Thanks Isabella!

Michael_Mahoney Brown-throated Sloth
Brown-throated Sloth commented on by Michael_Mahoney San José, Costa Rica12 years ago

There is a divet between the shoulder blades on the sloths back. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with its scent glands.

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