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Jumping Spiders of the World
696 participants
2,863 spottings

Jumping Spiders of the World

With cat like grace, agility and Teddy Bearish charms bellying their formidable predatory instincts, the jumping ...

International Spider Survey
3,941 participants
20,130 spottings

International Spider Survey

Spiders are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs. The International Society of Arachnology is the ...

Opisthobranchs & Nudibranchs of the World
351 participants
1,191 spottings

Opisthobranchs & Nudibranchs of ...

Opistobranchs are a large and diverse group of marine gastropods. They include several types of sea slugs: sea ...

Mimetic Animals of the World
1,387 participants
5,773 spottings

Mimetic Animals of the World

One of the most striking survival strategies of animals is mimicking their environment. Mimetism can be used for ...

Snakes of the United States - Center for Snake Conservation
1,457 participants
3,562 spottings

Snakes of the United States - ...

Snakes play vital roles as mid- to top-level predators in our natural ecosystems but they are often very ...

Moths of the World
3,066 participants
41,580 spottings

Moths of the World

Moths? Yes: a world of sphinxes, hawks, owls, tigers, and scary eyes, all waiting for you outside your door. In ...

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