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Ron Kushner

Ron Kushner

Experienced ID'ing within Convolvulaceae. I trade seeds of rare/unusual MorningGlory species.

Netcong,NJ 07857 USA

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ron.convolvulaceae ArturoOrtiz namitha
Ron Kushner Morning glory/moon flower
Morning glory/moon flower commented on by Ron Kushner Norman, Oklahoma, USA8 years ago

The shape of the flowers and the leaves indicate a Convolvulus, likely C.arvensis...

Ron Kushner Campanilla blanca
Campanilla blanca commented on by Ron Kushner Comunidad Valenciana, Spain8 years ago

I agree with the ID of Ipomoea alba.

Ron Kushner scarlet morning glory, scarlet creeper, star ipomoea, trompillo or "ivy-leaved morning glory

I agree with the ID of Ipomoea hederifolia , as the erect fruit in the last photo confirms.

Ron Kushner Railroad Vine
Railroad Vine commented on by Ron Kushner Madeira Beach, Florida, USA8 years ago

I agree with the ID of Ipomoea pes-caprae.

Ron Kushner Beach Morning Glory
Beach Morning Glory commented on by Ron Kushner Singapore, Singapore8 years ago

I agree with the ID of Ipomoea pes-caprae.

Ron Kushner Cypress Vine
Cypress Vine commented on by Ron Kushner NYC, New York, USA8 years ago

The leaves are that of Ipomoea quamoclit, not Ipomoea sloteri.

Ron Kushner Lesser glory
Lesser glory commented on by Ron Kushner Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka8 years ago

I agree with obscura.the ID of Ipomoea

Ron Kushner Little pink bell
Little pink bell commented on by Ron Kushner Surabaya, Indonesia8 years ago

I agree with the ID of Ipomoea triloba.

Ron Kushner Bunga tapak kuda
Bunga tapak kuda commented on by Ron Kushner Sumatera Barat, Indonesia8 years ago

I agree with the ID of Ipomoea pes-caprae.

Ron Kushner Common Morning Glory
Common Morning Glory commented on by Ron Kushner Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA8 years ago

I agree with the ID of Ipomoea purpurea.

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