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We did get to hike the Iki trail to the crater floor. It was quite otherworldly.
Thanks for the suggestion, Ric3. I'll update to genus, but if anyone can get to species (I know, not the best diagnostic photos), I'm happy to update again.
Thanks for the suggestion, btlounsbury. I've updated the identification to the genus level, but if anyone has a species-level suggestion, I'm all ears.
Thanks for the ID, Arun. I'll update.
Ha! Thanks for the ID, Dan and mauna. Looks like you both answered at almost exactly the same time. I'll update.
Hi Yazeed. These are fantastic images, but I think perhaps a mistake was made in associating them with the BioBlitz: Rocky Mountain National Park mission?
Hi sanmiggums. You're right that domestic cat is also a legitimate common name and I'm just now realizing that I should adjust the scientific name. According to Wikipedia, it should be Felis catus or Felis silvestris catus.
Hi mauna Kunzah. Thanks for the kind comments. :)