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TM AlexKonig KarenL
TM EdwardNathanReulbachJr. AlexKonig
Tanz Apricot Jelly Fungus
Apricot Jelly Fungus commented on by Tanz Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada12 years ago

Thanks Alex, it took me awhile to figure it out! Mushrooms/fungi are new to me and they are so much fun! Yet to see a fully matured, still ticked that someone wrecked the last one. Oh well I will keep my eye out for more like it! Good luck with spotting one! If you do please let me know! I will watch your postings too! Thanks again and happy hunting! :)

Tanz Basket fungus
Basket fungus commented on by Tanz Nelson, New Zealand12 years ago

WOW!! Beautiful sighting!

Tanz Blue-eyed darner
Blue-eyed darner commented on by Tanz Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada12 years ago

Thanks for the ID suggestion! They were really quite loud or I doubt I would of noticed them. They were all moving around so it was difficult to get a good pic!

Tanz The Sickener
The Sickener commented on by Tanz Nelson, British Columbia, Canada12 years ago

Okay I will look. Do you suggest any tips for searching for names etc. Thanks again for your help! :)

Tanz Apricot Jelly Fungus
Apricot Jelly Fungus commented on by Tanz Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada12 years ago

LOL thanks for the info! I had no idea it was wrong. Such a newbie I am! ;)

Tanz Milking Bonnet/
Milking Bonnet/ commented on by Tanz Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada12 years ago

Yes his suggestion absolutely did not look right. I think at this point I will leave it as Mycena because it looks right to me and then if anyone else or myself finds other info that is different I will change it.

Tanz Apricot Jelly Fungus
Apricot Jelly Fungus commented on by Tanz Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada12 years ago

I just moved to British Columbia, Canada from Alberta Canada and Alberta is not the best for mushroom sightings. At least where I lived, but moving here has been a HUGE eye opener in plants and critters. I love it. There is so much to learn and I am so thankful for Project Noah and all the help I have been receiving to identify all the cool mushrooms etc. So thanks!

Tanz Milking Bonnet/
Milking Bonnet/ commented on by Tanz Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada12 years ago

As I look at both sights that you both sent me too, I definitely think this is milking bonnet/Mycena galopus. Coprinus is to big, as well it has too many bumpy edges on it to match the sighting I saw. I appreciate both of your suggestions. Any clue on what my red mushrooms are that I have also posted? Thanks guys! :)

Tanz Apricot Jelly Fungus
Apricot Jelly Fungus commented on by Tanz Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada12 years ago

Thanks Alex. I too was very disappointed. My back yard, as I call it, is shared with many people in our complex. It is such a shame when people do not tread lightly;y and end up destroying something so beautiful. I appreciate all your help and if more pop up I will let you know! :)

Tanz Milking Bonnet/
Milking Bonnet/ commented on by Tanz Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada12 years ago

Thanks Alex!

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