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The Mishka

The Mishka


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linefaberjohannesen MitchRay
MarilynC DoraAnderson TKBotting peter
The Mishka Peal Crescent
Peal Crescent suggestion by The Mishka Wisconsin, USA13 years ago

Common name: Pearl Crescent
Scientific name: Phyciodes tharos

The Mishka Spotted Apatelodes caterpillar
Spotted Apatelodes caterpillar suggestion by The Mishka Pennsylvania, USA13 years ago

Common name: spotted apatelodes larvae
Scientific name: Apatelodes torrefacta

The Mishka House centipede
House centipede suggestion by The Mishka Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA13 years ago

Common name: House centipede
Scientific name: Scutigera coleoptrata

The Mishka Heal All
Heal All suggestion by The Mishka California, USA13 years ago

Common name: Heal all
Scientific name: Prunella vulgaris

The Mishka Ebony Jewelwing
Ebony Jewelwing suggestion by The Mishka West Virginia, USA13 years ago

Common name: Ebony jewelwing
Scientific name: Calopteryx maculata

The Mishka Spicebush butterfly
Spicebush butterfly suggestion by The Mishka Pennsylvania, USA13 years ago

Common name: Black Swallowtail
Scientific name: Papilio polyxenes

The Mishka Yarrow
Yarrow suggestion by The Mishka Pennsylvania, USA13 years ago

Common name: Yarrow
Scientific name: Achillea millefolium

The Mishka Cabbage White butterfly
Cabbage White butterfly suggestion by The Mishka Newark, New York, USA13 years ago

Common name: Cabbage White
Scientific name: Pieris rapae

The Mishka Gray Catbird
Gray Catbird suggestion by The Mishka Ohio, USA13 years ago

Common name: Gray Catbird
Scientific name: Dumetella carolinensis

The Mishka Mottled Tortoise Beetle
Mottled Tortoise Beetle suggestion by The Mishka Michigan, USA13 years ago

Common name: Mottled Tortoise Beetle
Scientific name: Deloyala guttata

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