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amberwellingtontill Tickseed
Tickseed commented on by amberwellingtontill Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA13 years ago

I tend to agree with Alice. I'd be more certain if I could see the foliage of the plant.

amberwellingtontill Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting commented on by amberwellingtontill New Hampshire, USA13 years ago

We have this in our pollinator garden at work. Alice is right. It's Bee Baum.

amberwellingtontill Goldflame Honeysuckle
Goldflame Honeysuckle commented on by amberwellingtontill Pennsylvania, USA13 years ago

Thank you. :)

amberwellingtontill Delphinium
Delphinium commented on by amberwellingtontill Pennsylvania, USA13 years ago

Yes! I couldn't remember what it was called. :)

amberwellingtontill Butterfly Weed
Butterfly Weed commented on by amberwellingtontill Pennsylvania, USA13 years ago

It is a type of milkweed. At the garden where I work, we collect the monarch caterpillars and keep them in an aquarium until they go through the metamorphosis, then we tag the butterflies and release them. They do like this plant, but they seem to prefer common milkweed.

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