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They appear to be needlefish, family Belonidae.
Hmm, I have the correct scientific name but the wrong common name. It's all in the details; thanks for your sharp eye and the correction.
Thank you, duttagupta35504. These were shot using the Canon Power Shot sx40 HS.
Yes, Chris, the same Auntnance. Thanks for the great tour--I'll be posting the great finds at Omaere as soon as I find a place to land for a while.
Thank you, kozoga; that ID is very much appreciated (I was afraid it might not be possible from the quality of the photos).
They are 'characters' to be sure.
It was fairly white; and the great southern white is common in the area. Thanks, JessicaHelmbold, for reaching so far back to ID this spotting.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Mr. Goldfish.
estebanjaramillo55, I was unaware of this breed until meeting these fine animals.
Thank you for the ID, PhilipBarnette