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Dan Doucette ceherzog Atul MitchRay
Tera2 flowntheloop maplemoth662 grade-78-science6
Wallum Banksia Neil Ross 34 39 Wallum Banksia
Beech jellydisc Jae 24 30 Beech jellydisc
Opaon varicolor juanmanuel.cardonagranda 14 7 Opaon varicolor
Springtime Psathyrella AntónioGinjaGinja 5 2 Springtime Psathyrella
Cobra Caterpillar Juan DiTrani 59 46 Cobra Caterpillar
Assassin Bug PieterColpaert 29 23 Assassin Bug
Rufous Motmot TheChemist 11 7 Rufous Motmot
Yareta PieterColpaert 44 23 Yareta
Orange tip IvanPancic 40 17 Orange tip
Jellyfish AlbertKang 21 2 Jellyfish
Jagged Ambush Bug nymph CindyBinghamKeiser 54 41 Jagged Ambush Bug nymph
Coreid Bug pamsai 36 37 Coreid Bug
Leafhopper vipin.baliga 54 26 Leafhopper
Bobcat Rosa Maria 8 2 Bobcat
Beach Morning Glory Rosa Maria 1 0 Beach Morning Glory
Alstonia seed dandoucette 24 31 Alstonia seed
Fulgorid bug dandoucette 35 26 Fulgorid bug
Butterfly Juan DiTrani 19 8 Butterfly
Comstock's Sallow Fyn Kynd 10 6 Comstock's Sallow
Spotting johnlguerin 19 2 Spotting
Ant mimic mantis nymph Seema Swami 10 4 Ant mimic mantis nymph
Yellow Belly (Common Tree Snake) Christiane 21 23 Yellow Belly (Common Tree Snake)
Zulu shadefly KateBraun 22 1 Zulu shadefly
Red tortoise beetle Sergio Monteiro 13 4 Red tortoise beetle
Pyralid Moth elaphrus 2 3 Pyralid Moth
Bastimentos Poison Dart Frog Juan DiTrani 25 12 Bastimentos Poison Dart Frog
Tortoise Beetle manuelariasarias77 26 10 Tortoise Beetle
Ladybug PongWira 35 8 Ladybug
Pyrops LaurentMasseau 18 5 Pyrops
Charcoal burner AntónioGinjaGinja 3 0 Charcoal burner
Montezuma Oropendola Anne Marie McCaffrey 3 1 Montezuma Oropendola
Sundarion treehopper Sergio Monteiro 39 32 Sundarion treehopper
Irara ou papa-mel (Tayra) Sergio Monteiro 45 31 Irara ou papa-mel (Tayra)
Eastern Hercules beetle (female) KarenL 16 19 Eastern Hercules beetle (female)
Red Russula AntónioGinjaGinja 17 36 Red Russula
Spotting ShannaB 5 7 Spotting
Glassy-winged Sharpshooter (Emerging) CindyBinghamKeiser 86 64 Glassy-winged Sharpshooter (Emerging)
lagartija - whiptail lizard EntreAguas 2 0 lagartija - whiptail lizard
Horned Guan AdamRiley 7 4 Horned Guan
great egret SusanEllison 86 119 great egret
Eight-spotted forester moths (mating) Aaron_G 16 8 Eight-spotted forester moths (mating)
Ox tongue bracket Argy Bee 31 27 Ox tongue bracket
Provence Hairstreak, Cardenillo arlanda 3 4 Provence Hairstreak, Cardenillo
Red-Headed Woodpecker johnlguerin 13 6 Red-Headed Woodpecker
ant mimic spider PhilipChen 18 7 ant mimic spider
Eastern Snake-necked Turtle Christiane 15 7 Eastern Snake-necked Turtle
Moth? JuanEstebanCeballosGartner 10 6 Moth?
Cooper's Hawk DiegoAndino 10 2 Cooper's Hawk
Many-ribbed Jellyfish DespinaTsafetopoulou 11 10 Many-ribbed Jellyfish
Gentoo Penguin LauraMaria 12 10 Gentoo Penguin
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