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Estudiante de biología, con gran interés por la micología <3

Veracruz, México

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Greg Shchepanek Sergio Monteiro bayucca Dan Doucette
Jae Billo-kun Nestor Rodrigo Vasquez Cisneros Greg Shchepanek
hello.alegriia Hongo de jardin
Hongo de jardin commented on by hello.alegriia Córdoba, Veracruz, Mexico10 years ago

ño :B ese es el Agaricus campestris

hello.alegriia Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by hello.alegriia Veracruz, Mexico10 years ago

Geastrum sp o Lycoperdon sp maybe!

hello.alegriia Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by hello.alegriia Veracruz, Mexico11 years ago

wow que extraña :O

hello.alegriia Lamplight actinote
Lamplight actinote commented on by hello.alegriia Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico11 years ago

Hermosa :)

hello.alegriia Rana de árbol orejas chicas
Rana de árbol orejas chicas commented on by hello.alegriia Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico11 years ago

@Billo checa esto

hello.alegriia Janias greenstreak
Janias greenstreak commented on by hello.alegriia Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico11 years ago

wooooow! que cosas tan hermosas y perfectas hace mi Dios :3

hello.alegriia Julia
Julia commented on by hello.alegriia Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico11 years ago

¿Es la tocaya de mi Juliette o qué pasa aquí?

hello.alegriia Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by hello.alegriia Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico11 years ago

wow! que estilo le dieron a esta!! :D

hello.alegriia Rana de árbol orejas chicas
Rana de árbol orejas chicas commented on by hello.alegriia Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico11 years ago

woooooow! que hermosoooo! ¿es del chirimoyo???

hello.alegriia Wine Glass mushrooms
Wine Glass mushrooms commented on by hello.alegriia Amazonas, Colombia11 years ago

Cookeina sp. :)

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