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Florida's Flora & Fauna
248 participants
9,858 spottings

Florida's Flora & Fauna

Become more aware of the need to conserve, preserve, and coexist with our wildlife and natural surroundings in ...

The Owls of Florida
87 participants
95 spottings

The Owls of Florida

Owls are an incredible group of mostly nocturnal raptors that specialize in small mammals, arthropods, birds, and ...

Insects of Florida
230 participants
2,846 spottings

Insects of Florida

This mission is designated to the 6-legged creatures of Florida and all they entail. Submit your Floridian insect ...

Moths of the World
3,066 participants
41,581 spottings

Moths of the World

Moths? Yes: a world of sphinxes, hawks, owls, tigers, and scary eyes, all waiting for you outside your door. In ...

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