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Common Marmoset Michael Strydom 3 0 Common Marmoset
Wood sandpiper MahabaleshwaraB 3 2 Wood sandpiper
Nicobar Pidgeon Michael Strydom 26 6 Nicobar Pidgeon
Radial Filefish AlbertKang 7 0 Radial Filefish
Spotting Wild Things 2 0 Spotting
Spotting Wild Things 2 0 Spotting
The Bengal monitor or common Indian monitor AmolPandit 5 0 The Bengal monitor or common Indian monitor
Flower Crab Spider Bernadette S 2 0 Flower Crab Spider
Common Fagonia Bernadette S 1 0 Common Fagonia
Secretarybird Michael Strydom 5 0 Secretarybird
Giant Ant Mimicking Spider LindaAlisto 33 9 Giant Ant Mimicking Spider
The oriental magpie-robin AmolPandit 2 0 The oriental magpie-robin
Thecla Banner BrunoMoller 2 0 Thecla Banner
The spotted dove AmolPandit 2 0 The spotted dove
Western Conifer Seed Bug dferris 3 0 Western Conifer Seed Bug
Sea Pen AlbertKang 7 0 Sea Pen
Neotropical swallowtail butterfly BrunoMoller 2 0 Neotropical swallowtail butterfly
Yellow Boxfish AlbertKang 18 9 Yellow Boxfish
Spotted Sharpnose Puffer glbnoah109 2 0 Spotted Sharpnose Puffer
Goby AlbertKang 2 0 Goby
Yellow Boxfish AlbertKang 6 0 Yellow Boxfish
Zebra Shark Marek Koszorek 8 0 Zebra Shark
Pink Whipray david14 5 0 Pink Whipray
Bluegill Sunfish Malcolm Wilton-Jones 2 0 Bluegill Sunfish
Skilletfish Charlotte Hickey 1 0 Skilletfish
Koi MelaniePark 2 1 Koi
Soapfish Machi 3 0 Soapfish
Flathead AlbertKang 3 0 Flathead
Estuary seahorse DerekSeattle 4 0 Estuary seahorse
Harlequin Sweetlip (Juvenile) Marek Koszorek 16 2 Harlequin Sweetlip (Juvenile)
Star Pufferfish Marek Koszorek 8 1 Star Pufferfish
Carp minnow BenWhite 1 1 Carp minnow
Snakehead Murel JaniekevanDijk 2 0 Snakehead Murel
Black ghost knifefish StephenWhitcher 3 0 Black ghost knifefish
Clown loach StephenWhitcher 2 0 Clown loach
Black skirt tetra StephenWhitcher 2 0 Black skirt tetra
Spiny Eel StephenWhitcher 2 0 Spiny Eel
Bearded Dragon KellieKlausKessel 1 4 Bearded Dragon
Bearded dragon RoycieSmithJj 0 0 Bearded dragon
Red-eared Slider KevinCheng 1 0 Red-eared Slider
Sarasa Comet atravis055 1 1 Sarasa Comet
Roborovski hamsters AlessandroA 3 2 Roborovski hamsters
Slidder Turtle HeatherAnnStark 1 0 Slidder Turtle
Fire Dartfish andreweleighton 6 2 Fire Dartfish
Bala Shark Jonathan Hiew 2 1 Bala Shark
Arapaima Wyrtzen Family 2 0 Arapaima
Whale Shark donrashidneil 7 1 Whale Shark
Bristlenose Catfish Jonathan Hiew 3 4 Bristlenose Catfish
Moon Wrasse Jason Alexander 2 0 Moon Wrasse
Pink Skunk Clownfish andreweleighton 2 0 Pink Skunk Clownfish
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