A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
You did a god job on this! But who are you?
Thanks to all the people that said my project noah was good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This mushroom looks like mine. But I got a conclusion, that my mushroom was a cup fungi. By the way you have good field notes.
This mushroom looks like my mushroom.... But I got the conclusion that it was a cup fungi!!! But other than that you have really good field notes.
This mushroom looks like my mushroom. But I concluded that the mushroom is cup fungi. And you do have good field notes. Sometimes though the sentence runs on and on..........
Nice field notes!!!!!!!!!!! Your mushroom looks a lot like mine but I concluded that it was a cup fungi........
That mushroom looks a lot like my mushroom!! But I thought it was a cup fungi!
Who is this???????? Cuz ur following me and I don't know who u r!!!!!!!!