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Joe D.
nisky912 Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by nisky912 New York, USA9 years ago

You are right with the bird's-eye speedwell suggestion.

nisky912 Leafy Spurge
Leafy Spurge commented on by nisky912 New York, USA10 years ago

Leafy spurge

nisky912 Pincushion Flower
Pincushion Flower commented on by nisky912 New York, USA10 years ago

Some kind of aster family plants. Was it in a garden?

nisky912 Petunia hybrid 'Picasso in Pink'
Petunia hybrid 'Picasso in Pink' commented on by nisky912 West Babylon, New York, USA10 years ago

This is more of a garden plant and not really a wildflower of New York. This site is for plants growing on their own in the wild. Nice color though.

nisky912 Enchanter's Nightshade
Enchanter's Nightshade commented on by nisky912 NYC, New York, USA10 years ago

This is enchanter's nightshade. It is fairly weedy.

nisky912 Buttercups
Buttercups commented on by nisky912 New York, USA11 years ago


nisky912 Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by nisky912 New York, USA11 years ago

Was this in a garden setting?

nisky912 Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy commented on by nisky912 Wantagh, New York, USA11 years ago

Great leaf color!

nisky912 Rough Cat's Ear
Rough Cat's Ear commented on by nisky912 Wantagh, New York, USA11 years ago

Nice series of photos

nisky912 Red clover
Red clover commented on by nisky912 NYC, New York, USA11 years ago

You seem to have trouble focusing on the flower. This is a common problem with digital cameras. Try holding your hand next to the flower, focusing in that, then pulling your hand away before you shoot.

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