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smith.jessica90909 Guava tree
Guava tree commented on by smith.jessica90909 Riverside, California, USA11 years ago

The flower and leaves look like orange trees. They are in blossom right now. All citrus trees are

smith.jessica90909 Pot Marigold
Pot Marigold commented on by smith.jessica90909 San Bernardino, California, USA11 years ago

My grandma used to make a poultice out of the dried petals. I was to young to learn so she left me a book with a note that said figure it out Jessie!

smith.jessica90909 Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by smith.jessica90909 L.A., California, USA11 years ago

Definitely koi fish

smith.jessica90909 Sand Pine
Sand Pine commented on by smith.jessica90909 Florida, USA11 years ago

That's a pine cone. They are the seeds of pine trees

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