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Aguila, AZ

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shekainah d. alaban Ava T-B Courtney Fisher Kelly15
Captain Nature BryanHughes ArmanPace maplemoth662
the_tajminator Yellow Vented Bulbul
Yellow Vented Bulbul commented on by the_tajminator Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines11 years ago

aww cute little things

the_tajminator bird skull
bird skull commented on by the_tajminator Arizona, USA11 years ago

that's too bad. thanks for trying though

the_tajminator Desert tortoise
Desert tortoise commented on by the_tajminator Tucson, Arizona, USA11 years ago

wow very nice :) I hope to see a wild one some day thank you for adding it to my mission

the_tajminator Red-spotted Purple butterfly
Red-spotted Purple butterfly commented on by the_tajminator Maryland, USA11 years ago


the_tajminator round tailed ground squirrel
round tailed ground squirrel commented on by the_tajminator Arizona, USA11 years ago

thank you yeah I got so close I got bitten but I had to help him and I finally did manage to get him down from there and he ran off

the_tajminator pellet
pellet commented on by the_tajminator Arizona, USA11 years ago

thank you :) I find the pellets a lot but wish I could get a pic of the raptor

the_tajminator bird skull
bird skull commented on by the_tajminator Arizona, USA12 years ago

sorry looked for an hour and couldn't find it....did see an awesome owl though so it wasn't a waste of time

the_tajminator bird skull
bird skull commented on by the_tajminator Arizona, USA12 years ago

hmm it's been so long I don't remember very well but I think it was a little bigger like an inch and a half...I'll look around in the morning and see if I can find it again but it's been so long and it was so small I don't think I will

the_tajminator Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by the_tajminator Arizona, USA12 years ago

well it was found in my yard but none of us planted it

the_tajminator Queen butterfly
Queen butterfly commented on by the_tajminator Arizona, USA12 years ago

ah thank you I suspected it might not be a monarch but I don't know butterflies so well

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