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I'm a psychologist with a passion for nature and photography.

Genova, Italy

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NeilHarris David Carolina Malcolm Wilton-Jones
maplemoth662 Tania17 VoT KostasZontanos
valentinezza fringed water lily
fringed water lily commented on by valentinezza TOS, Italy5 years ago

Thank you Daniele!

valentinezza Orb Web Spider
Orb Web Spider commented on by valentinezza LIG, Italy5 years ago

Thank you Bayucca, do you know its common name?

valentinezza European Peacock
European Peacock commented on by valentinezza Italy10 years ago

Thank you StirredMocha!

valentinezza Fiordaliso cicalino
Fiordaliso cicalino commented on by valentinezza PIE, Italy10 years ago

Thank you Jopy for all your suggestions! :)

valentinezza Yarrow
Yarrow commented on by valentinezza LIG, Italy10 years ago

Hi VivBraznell, thank you for the ID. I think that it's more similar to Achillea millefolium
What do you think about?

valentinezza Slug
Slug commented on by valentinezza Region Hovedstaden, Denmark10 years ago

Hi Tiz! I've posted one myself, saw yesterday near Genoa

valentinezza Dryad
Dryad commented on by valentinezza PIE, Italy10 years ago

Thank you Daniele! Your help is always very valuable!

valentinezza common scorpionfly (female)
common scorpionfly (female) commented on by valentinezza PIE, Italy10 years ago

thank you Daniele! I didn't ever seen another one before!

valentinezza Yellow-legged gull
Yellow-legged gull commented on by valentinezza Arresi/Sant'Anna Arresi, SAR, Italy10 years ago

Thank you Zariga for the ID! :)

valentinezza Mastic
Mastic commented on by valentinezza Sa Baronia/Villaperuccio, SAR, Italy10 years ago

Thank you Jopy! :)

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