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A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife

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WILD Cities: Urban Biodiversity
7,224 participants
45,502 spottings

WILD Cities: Urban Biodiversity

Millions of city-dwellers walk their local streets every day, but many overlook the multitude of animals and ...

Project Squirrel
5,899 participants
3,854 spottings

Project Squirrel

Fox squirrels and grey squirrels are two of the most familiar species of wildlife in many neighborhoods and ...

Amphibians of the World
2,401 participants
7,500 spottings

Amphibians of the World

Lethal fungi, habitat loss, and predators have caused severe declines in amphibian populations around the world. ...

Fruiting Bodies of the World
1,138 participants
6,265 spottings

Fruiting Bodies of the World

This mission is about mapping all the different kinds of fruiting bodies around the world. This doesn't ...

Snakes of the United States - Center for Snake Conservation
1,458 participants
3,562 spottings

Snakes of the United States - ...

Snakes play vital roles as mid- to top-level predators in our natural ecosystems but they are often very ...

Wildlife of Northeastern USA
353 participants
8,748 spottings

Wildlife of Northeastern USA

New York ,Pennsylvania, Connecticut,Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and ...

Fall Into Phenology
1,227 participants
2,209 spottings

Fall Into Phenology

Celebrate the Fall Equinox and help us reach our goal of 500 reported observations with Project BudBurst’s new ...

Amphibians of New York
20 participants
65 spottings

Amphibians of New York

To collect information and photos on amphibians of New York for the GNP.

Project Frog Finder of NorthEastern United States
117 participants
232 spottings

Project Frog Finder of ...

Finding and identifying local frogs.

Freshwater Wetland Wildlife and Vegetation - Northeastern US
83 participants
462 spottings

Freshwater Wetland Wildlife and ...

Freshwater wetlands are ecosystems where the water table is at or near the surface for long enough periods of the ...

Great Lakes Monitoring
902 participants
5,622 spottings

Great Lakes Monitoring

The Great Lakes are the largest surface freshwater system containing over 80 percent of freshwater on the Earth. ...

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