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Fruiting Bodies of the World

Fruiting Bodies of the World

Please submit only pictures of the fruiting body itself. If you have additional pictures of the plant it is growing on, submit them, too, but the initial picture should always be the fruiting body. Thank you and have fun on this mission. Best regards, Lars Korb Sign in to join mission

Fruiting Bodies of the World
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Website 1,137 participants 6,262 spottings

This mission is about mapping all the different kinds of fruiting bodies around the world. This doesn't necessarily mean to focus on common fruits (like apple or bananas) only. It's a mission created explicitly for the fruiting body of any type of plant; like nuts, vegetables or even the cones of conifers e.g.

Fruiting Bodies of the World

Lat: 51.16 Long: 10.47

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