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Sahana Vajirasena

Sahana Vajirasena

Kandy, Central Province, Sri Lanka

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Adarsha B S Dawn D. Lopez Garanzuay NuwanChathuranga AntónioGinjaGinja
pinithadissanayaka Augusto Patiño Ramirez Irandi Munasinghe PhotoginTN
Flowers of Sri Lanka
16 participants
146 spottings

Flowers of Sri Lanka

Flowers are one of the most important wildlife character.Those are very beautiful.Don't you think so?

Moths of the World
3,063 participants
41,519 spottings

Moths of the World

Moths? Yes: a world of sphinxes, hawks, owls, tigers, and scary eyes, all waiting for you outside your door. In ...

Birds of the World
12,836 participants
105,300 spottings

Birds of the World

There are over 10,000 living species of birds on the planet. They can be found in ecosystems across the globe, ...

Diversity of arthropods
15 participants
1,610 spottings

Diversity of arthropods

Arthropoda is one of the most diverse group of animal phyla consists of large group of invertebrates like ...

Reptiles of Sri Lanka
3 participants
33 spottings

Reptiles of Sri Lanka

This mission is to record and observe the diversity of the reptile species in Sri Lanka.

Backyard Habitats of the World
1,738 participants
13,693 spottings

Backyard Habitats of the World

Some of the most remarkable nature and wildlife can be seen right in your own backyard! The focus of this mission ...

Biodiversity of Sri Lanka
76 participants
6,012 spottings

Biodiversity of Sri Lanka

A Mission to Collect all Sri Lankan Spottings To One Place

Butterflies of Sri Lanka
24 participants
1,364 spottings

Butterflies of Sri Lanka

This mission is to collect all the butterfly spottings in Sri Lanka.

Butterflies & Moths of the World
8,541 participants
78,187 spottings

Butterflies & Moths of the World

Butterflies and Moths are insects of the order Lepidoptera. Their brilliant colors have inspired artistic ...

Reptiles of Sri Lanka
3 participants
33 spottings

Reptiles of Sri Lanka

This mission is to record and observe the diversity of the reptile species in Sri Lanka.

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