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ARATAMA, in the native language called Tupi, means land of Parrots, but here in ARATAMA Refuge not only parrots, but also macaws, anteaters, rhea and many other animals that need care live harmoniously together. Victims of trafficking, trampled on road by cars and illegally captured, in ARATAMA these animals find care and affection to be rehabilitated and returned safely to nature. Many animals get stressed out by abuse at home, others have injuries and also have those with an advanced domestication state. This project is an icon of the IECOS Brazil, where many animals have a chance to live free. The Aratama is not just a place where animals arrive and receive affection, care and freedom with no discrimination. It's a place where the animals are part of a dream. Sign in to join mission

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Our mission is linking society, natural resources, and landscapes for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development through integrated research and adaptive management. Many animals seized, unable to return to nature where they would certainly have exercised their ecological functions and leave descendants, many maimed, and wounded many others because they are too scared and young lost their mothers and many, but many of them , the subject of trafficking. The traffic that places the individual on the condition of irrational, immoral, and illegal. These animals are victims of a perverse social model where the man stands like the center of the universe and everything else is merely to serve you in any way.


Lat: -8.63 Long: -48.49

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