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1 2 Glass catfish

Glass catfish

by PeytonTexas, USA

Almost completely transparent!

1 0 Glass Catfish

Glass Catfish

by PatrickTacoDykesCarson City, Nevada, USA

The glass

5 2 Glass catfish

Glass catfish

by JorgeArmandoRuedaEstupiñanMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

0 0 Glass catfish

Glass catfish

by zepcheokจังหวัดตรัง, Thailand

Transparent except for the head, bones, and the internal organs which are ...

3 1 Freshwater Hydra

Freshwater Hydra

by dcfieldviewHartford, Connecticut, USA

Barely macroscopic, about .5mm long, white. Photo taken at 10x magnification w/ ...

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