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0 0 Hammond's Flycatcher

Hammond's Flycatcher

by MarshallWeberEstes Park, Colorado, USA

0 0 Hammonds Flycatcher

Hammonds Flycatcher

by Mario17Baltimore, Maryland, USA

0 3 Hammond's Flycatcher

Hammond's Flycatcher

by Steven SheppardPocatello, Idaho, USA

Small songbird. olive green, grayish shoulders with a cream wing band. eye ...

1 1 Dusky Flycatcher

Dusky Flycatcher

by DonnaPomeroyCalifornia, USA

larger than the Hammond's

2 0 Hammond`s Flycatcher

Hammond`s Flycatcher

by KrisztinaHarasztosiGibsons, British Columbia, Canada


1 0 Hammond's Flycatcher

Hammond's Flycatcher

by JoshuaGSmithArizona, USA

I noticed its brownish back firstly. It also gave a flat note call. I noticed ...

1 0 Western Wood-Pewee

Western Wood-Pewee

by roserobertkBeulah, Oregon, United States

I'm guessing either Hammond or Dusky

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