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0 0 Kestrel


by mattearwickerEast Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom

2 0 American Kestrel

American Kestrel

by samloftus61Idaho, USA


4 0 Common Kestrel

Common Kestrel

by Dr.Abdulhadi AloufiTabuk, Tabuk Province, Saudi Arabia

2 0 American Kestrel

American Kestrel

by stuhallOntario, Canada

0 1 Common Kestrel (Turmfalke)

Common Kestrel (Turmfalke)

by GigiWien, Wien, Austria

0 0 Common Kestrel

Common Kestrel

by MartinUrbanGemeinde Vösendorf, Niederösterreich, Austria


0 0 American Kestrel

American Kestrel

by richardandwblackmoreMiami Beach, Florida, USA

0 0 Lesser kestrel

Lesser kestrel

by ΓιώργοςΣέντηςΣυκιές, Περιφέρεια Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας, Greece

8 3 American Kestrel

American Kestrel

by AarongunnarWisconsin, USA

while on a kestrel-banding field trip

3 2 Common Kestrel

Common Kestrel

by ColinMacleodScotland, United Kingdom

This specimen was bred in captivity at Phoenix Falconry near Glenaeagles, ...

1 1 Common kestrel

Common kestrel

by Raphael4Κύπρος - Kıbrıs, Cyprus

1 0 Common kestrel

Common kestrel

by Ricardo SalgueiroLeiria, Portugal

The common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) is a ...

1 1 American Kestrel

American Kestrel

by GonzaloGarciaGuadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

0 0 Nankeen Kestrel

Nankeen Kestrel

by ScottHarte4810, Queensland, Australia

1 0 Nankeen Kestrel

Nankeen Kestrel

by ScottHarte4810, Queensland, Australia

2 2 American Kestrel

American Kestrel

by SeemaOrange, California, USA

5 3 American Kestrel

American Kestrel

by Steve LenzOregon, USA

Open Farmland

5 3 American Kestrel

American Kestrel

by John EhrenfeldIrvine, California, USA

10 2 American Kestrel

American Kestrel

by AshleySharkieHolcombRichmond, Virginia, USA

6 4 American kestrel

American kestrel

by Ian CliftonPine Bluff, Arkansas, USA

3 1 American kestrel

American kestrel

by zoomanallenMapleton, Utah, USA

0 0 Common kestrel

Common kestrel

by apoelaka54Cyprus

A couple

2 0 Nankeen Kestrel

Nankeen Kestrel

by JohnMausolfAdelaide, South Australia, Australia

1 0 American Kestrel

American Kestrel

by ArturoOrtizMexico

Young bird.

5 0 American Kestrel

American Kestrel

by BillyBrooksReno, Nevada, USA

0 0 Lesser kestrel

Lesser kestrel

by staccyhSiyancuma Local Municipality, Northern Cape, South Africa

6 0 Common Kestrel

Common Kestrel

by PutkovAlexanderיקנעם עילית, מחוז הצפון, Israel

0 0 Common kestrel

Common kestrel

by PhilippX_Tsien新疆维吾尔自治区, Paracel Islands

1 1 Kestrel


by Soren DavidsonMinneapolis, Minnesota, USA

White with dark head markings

0 0 American Kestrel

American Kestrel

by AshleyLNorth Carolina, USA

0 0 african kestrel

african kestrel

by KarenSaxtonMara, Tanzania

One of the several kestrels of africa

0 3 Common Kestrel

Common Kestrel

by VivBraznellEngland, United Kingdom

20 10 American Kestrel

American Kestrel

by Dennis DavenportWashington, USA

American Kestrel landing on teasel.

0 0 Australian Kestrel or Nankeen Kestrel

Australian Kestrel or Nankeen Kestrel

by GaryWeiKitWestern Australia, Australia

Saw this at Shark Bay Aquarium near Monkey Mia

2 2 American kestrel

American kestrel

by KarenLFranklin, Tennessee, USA

Kestrel on utility wires in our front yard.

0 0 Lesser Kestrel

Lesser Kestrel

by MariosLiogrisΔήμος Καρδίτσας, Περιφέρεια Θεσσαλίας, Greece

6 of the were flying in circles above Karditsa

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