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0 0 Oriental plane tree (Πλάτανος)

Oriental plane tree (Πλάτανος)

by DespinaTsafetopoulouΔήμος Βόλου, Περιφέρεια Θεσσαλίας, Greece

200 years old Oriental

1 0 Oriental plane (Πλάτανος)

Oriental plane (Πλάτανος)

by DespinaTsafetopoulouΔήμος Βόλου, Περιφέρεια Θεσσαλίας, Greece

One of the many Oriental

0 0 London plane; plátano de sombra

London plane; plátano de sombra

by Jose CastañoPontons, Catalunya, Spain

The London plane, London planetree, or ...

0 0 Plátano de sombra (Hybrid Plane)

Plátano de sombra (Hybrid Plane)

by MarcoAntonioMurcia, Murcia, Spain

The London Plane is a large deciduous

1 0 London Planetree

London Planetree

by denverwarnerPortland, Oregon, USA

* "The London Plane is a large deciduous ...

0 0 London Planetree

London Planetree

by kamalstokesNew York City, New York, USA

Description: The London Plane

1 0 Rufous


by missfroggieCoquille, Oregon, USA

, green, and black tail. Rufous hummingbirds feed on flower nectar, small ...

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