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4 0 Pachypodium


by brodiemaxaRiverside, California, USA

Rare six-petaled flower morphology

0 2 Pachypodium


by K.c.TruaxAcapulco de Juárez, Estado de Guerrero, Mexico

0 0 Pachypodium succulentum

Pachypodium succulentum

by brodiemaxaOakland, California, USA

Smallest flowering form of the most floriferous species of the

0 4 Pachypodium Tree

Pachypodium Tree

by Deepti SKarnataka, India

The thorny tree was around 6 to 7 ft tall. A

6 0 Pachypodium


by Mel11Ambinany, Anosy, Madagascar

Succulent plant with an unusual structure in that it has a large swollen, ...

0 0 Madagascar Palm

Madagascar Palm

by John BalashTaylor, Michigan, USA

2 2 Madagascar Palm

Madagascar Palm

by Ava T-BSan Diego, California, USA

This is the plant on the LEFT. Pachypodium ...

0 3 Pachypodium Cactus

Pachypodium Cactus

by JosephBullockAntananarivo, Antananarivo, Madagascar

This single trunk cactus has long multiple crossed needles. It is tapered with ...

0 6 Madagascar palm

Madagascar palm

by yulia8473Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

About 2" in diameter and about 5-6" tall

4 0 Pachypodium


by Mel11Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar

Succulent plants with variable, but generally unusual structure. They have a ...

3 2 Elephant's Foot

Elephant's Foot

by dandoucetteFianarantsoa, Madagascar

The base of this plant is the size of a basketball. All

2 5 Madagascar Palm

Madagascar Palm

by Ava T-BSan Diego, California, USA

All Pachypodium are succulent plants that ...

2 2 Elephant's Foot

Elephant's Foot

by dandoucetteTaolanaro, Toliary, Madagascar

The pachycaule trunk is a morphologically enlarged trunk that stores water so ...

0 0 pachypodium


by BevCarterFianarantsoa, Madagascar

this plant combines several adaptations to allow for survival in dry climate; ...

0 0 Kudu Lily

Kudu Lily

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Succulent shrub with swollen stem, spiny, and large showy white flowers.

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