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11 5 Rafflesia


by RianBernalLaguna, Philippines

45 22 Rafflesia


by ShaumingLoKeningau, Sabah, Malaysia

32 23 Rafflesia arnoldii

Rafflesia arnoldii

by SofianRafflesiaBengkulu, Indonesia

Rafflesia arnoldii the biggest flower in ...

12 14 Rafflesia


by travellingchezSumatera Barat, Indonesia

Partially opened Rafflesia flower and an ...

7 6 Rafflesia


by trang.nguyen90Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia

2 2 Rafflesia


by orvilleKota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Largest flower in the world

14 1 Rafflesia (Mt Makiling)

Rafflesia (Mt Makiling)

by IvanLeeLaguna, Philippines

1 0 Rafflesia


by BonzPondriiztourSurat Thani, Thailand

This Big Flower called "Rafflesia" or "Bua ...

4 1 Rafflesia Kerrii

Rafflesia Kerrii

by ViggoLiljeforsThailand

Not the hardest flower to either spot or smell

2 1 Rafflesia - Buah poot

Rafflesia - Buah poot

by angiudจังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี, Thailand

A very large parasitic flower. This around 60 cm diameter

3 3 Rafflesia arnoldi

Rafflesia arnoldi

by situs_hijauRW 04, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia

Indonesian flower

2 6 Rafflesia


by PaulMcKeownSumatera Barat, Indonesia

aka the corpse flower, this one was particularly smelly but had been damaged by ...

4 1 rafflesia


by BenerdickLeeMalaysia

can grow up to 94 cm in diameter...

32 20 Rafflesia


by RonaldLoSabah, Malaysia

Rafflesia keithii is a parasitic flowering ...

15 16 Rafflesia


by dandoucetteSabah, Malaysia

parasitic bloom about 16" in diameter, faint stench of rotting meat, the plant ...

5 4 Rafflesia


by Randall LeeMalaysia

The symbolic flower of Borneo! The plant has no stems, leaves or true roots. It ...

0 2 Regent Skipper

Regent Skipper

by ShannaB4560, Queensland, Australia

This butterfly had seen better days, but it was still beautiful. Wingspan about ...

28 11 Rafflesia


by Chris CarilleKota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

The first two photos show the flower in bloom and the remaining photos show the ...

2 0 Rafflesia


by dandoucetteจังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี, Thailand

large parasitic bloom, 24" diameter

1 0 Spider


by AlbertKangIlocos Norte, Philippines

Saw this Spider on a Rafflesia flower.

11 9 Rafflesia


by dandoucetteSabah, Malaysia

large parasitic bloom, almost 24" in diameter

22 11 Rafflesia panchoana

Rafflesia panchoana

by Jhan-Curt FernándezLos Baños, Calabarzon, Philippines

Rafflesia panchoana (syn. R. manillana, R. ...

5 2 Rafflesia


by dandoucetteAntique, Philippines

large parasitic bloom, faint odor of rotting meat, about 16" in diameter

1 0 Rafflesia


by Malcolm Wilton-JonesSabah, Malaysia

There are thought to be 28 species of this flower which includes the world's ...

3 3 Regent skipper

Regent skipper

by ScottHarte4854, Queensland, Australia

It was feeding in the late afternoon on a blooming wattle.

7 10 Rafflesia


by Randall LeeKota Kinabalu, Malaysia

Took this picture in May, this species of

0 0 Spider


by Malcolm Wilton-JonesSabah, Malaysia

Found on my photograph of the Rafflesia ...

0 1 Rafflesia arnoldii (Indonesian: padma raksasa)

Rafflesia arnoldii (Indonesian: padma raksasa)

by ErtaDewiLianaKalimantan Tengah, Indonesia

The flower of Rafflesia arnoldii is the ...

21 9 Malaysian Cherry Red Centipede

Malaysian Cherry Red Centipede

by SofianRafflesiaBengkulu, Indonesia

Centipedes in Bengkulu Forest

9 6 Rafflesia flower

Rafflesia flower

by AlbertKangIlocos Norte, Philippines

A very small Rafflesia flower, just around ...

32 17 Rafflesia Patma

Rafflesia Patma

by Jason AlexanderWest Java, Indonesia

This is one of the 15 species of Rafflesia ...

1 0 Carrion flower

Carrion flower

by Malcolm Wilton-JonesLlíria, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

I cannot help thinking that these look like miniature

1 3 Hibiscus


by LandmarkExpertHarrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA

large, red petals, and an interesting stamen: a white, tube-like stamen with 5 ...

3 2 Rafflesia


by dandoucetteRiau, Indonesia

large parastic bloom, 24" in diameter

4 0 Rafflesia


by Bong AmbutongSabah, Malaysia

Rafflesia is a genus of flowering plants. ...

23 12 Rafflesia Flower

Rafflesia Flower

by AlbertKangSabah, Malaysia

Contrary to popular belief, this freshly bloomed

4 3 Rafflesia


by LizaFandinoSabah, Malaysia

One of the largest flowers in the world growing up to one meter wide. It's a ...

6 0 Rafflesia


by Benno IboldSarawak, Malaysia

The flower of Rafflesia arnoldii grows to a ...

12 7 Rafflesia


by Marta RubioTexeiraSabah, Malaysia

Corpse Flower in EN/Bunga pakma in Malay). This

0 6 Rafflesia


by HoSabah, Malaysia

species, such as Rafflesia arnoldii, the ...

1 0 Patma


by Arnica MontanaIndonesia

A parasitic plant species from family Rafflesiaceae. Its size is smaller than ...

2 9 Red Cytinus

Red Cytinus

by WombatFaro, Algarve, Portugal

was formerly included in the Rafflesia ...

5 3 Amorphophallus gigas

Amorphophallus gigas

by SofianRafflesiaBengkulu, Indonesia

Amorphophallus gigas is a member of the Araceae Family (Aroid family).

4 4 Asian glass lizard

Asian glass lizard

by dandoucetteKota Kinabalu, Malaysia

legless lizards get up to 22" long, adults reddish brown with blue crossbars. ...

11 12 Rafflesia


by Malcolm Wilton-JonesSabah, Malaysia

These flowers only last a few days before dying. They are parasites of a vine ...

4 3 Titan Arum

Titan Arum

by SofianRafflesiaBengkulu, Indonesia

corpse flower is also attributed to the genus

3 3 Amorphophallus muelleri

Amorphophallus muelleri

by SofianRafflesiaBengkulu, Indonesia

Amorphophallus muelleri is a species native to W. Thailand, India (Andaman ...

13 8 Titan Arum

Titan Arum

by luke.mackinSumatera Barat, Indonesia

cadaver). For the same reason, the title "corpse flower" is also attributed to ...

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