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5 4 Strap Lichen

Strap Lichen

by InêsVelosoCentro, Portugal

2 4 Strap lichens

Strap lichens

by MauronBosnia and Herzegovina

1 0 Cartilage Lichen

Cartilage Lichen

by MachiKodiak, Alaska, USA

Wooden beam on fishing docks

0 2 Strap Lichen

Strap Lichen

by Ali FearPorto Alegre, RS, Brazil


0 0 Roesler's Cartilage Lichen

Roesler's Cartilage Lichen

by MachiAlaska, USA

Heavily branched lichen

2 0 Strap Lichen

Strap Lichen

by MachiCalifornia, USA

Pale green-gray lichen with prominent ...

1 1 Strap Lichen

Strap Lichen

by MachiAlaska, USA

One of the trees was covered in this

0 0 Ciliate Strap-lichen

Ciliate Strap-lichen

by sarah in the woodsNorth Carolina, USA

collected for Lichen Bioblitz

2 0 Cartilage Lichen

Cartilage Lichen

by MachiAlaska, USA

On a dead twig in a spruce forest

3 0 Strap Lichen

Strap Lichen

by MachiAlaska, USA

Heavily branched, pale green lichen

1 0 Cartilage Lichen

Cartilage Lichen

by Machi

I think it fell from a tree because it wasn't attached to anything.

1 0 Frayed Ribbon Lichen

Frayed Ribbon Lichen

by MachiKodiak, Alaska, USA

Wooden beam on fishing docks

0 0 Southern strap lichen

Southern strap lichen

by auntnance123Cocoa, Florida, USA

approx. 1 inch ball with pinhead-sized discs

0 1 Strap Lichen

Strap Lichen

by Malcolm Wilton-JonesEngland, United Kingdom

Reference link has several possibilities for Ramalina sp.

0 0 Roesler's Cartilage Lichen

Roesler's Cartilage Lichen

by MachiKodiak, Alaska, USA

In the first two photos you can see the disc-shaped apothecia. Finely branched ...

0 0 Cartilage lichen

Cartilage lichen

by Brian38Federal Way, Washington, USA

An erect light green to gray fruticose (coral like)

0 0 Oakmoss


by julian.sTimis, Romania

Evernia prunastri, also known as Oakmoss, is a species of

0 0 Strap Lichen

Strap Lichen

by maplemoth662Florida, USA

At 8:30 a.m. in the morning, I looked out of the sliding glass door, and I ...

1 6 Oak Moss Lichen

Oak Moss Lichen

by Emma Tulare, California, USA

Evernia prunastri, also known as Oakmoss, is a species of

3 0 Oakmoss


by Brian38Federal Way, Washington, USA

Evernia prunastri, also known as oakmoss, is a species of

1 0 Oakmoss


by injicaCroatia

large clumps. Oakmoss thallus is flat and

3 1 Oakmoss


by Brian38Tacoma, Washington, USA

Evernia prunastri, also known as oakmoss, is a species of

2 2 Maritime Sunburst Lichen with Oakmoss

Maritime Sunburst Lichen with Oakmoss

by EdwardNathanReulbachJr.Silverdale, Washington, USA

Xanthoria parietina is a foliose, or leafy,

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