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Red-belted Polypore

Fomitopsis pinicola


Upper surfaces are shiny, as if painted with lacquer. The upper base is reddish-orange followed by an yellow-orange band and finally with a lighter or yellow band at the edge.


Usually found on logs and stumps, but may invade wounds on living trees.


There is a possibility this may actually be a Lacquered Polypore, but I've decided to call it Red-belted polypore based upon my research. Unfortunately, it is often difficult or impossible to ID fungi from a photograph and I didn't take any notes at the time I found it. If others want to weigh in and dispute my ID, please do.

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Gordon Dietzman
Spotted by
Gordon Dietzman

Roseville, Minnesota, USA

Spotted on Aug 8, 2005
Submitted on Mar 27, 2012

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