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Common Indian Tree Frog

Polypedates maculatus


Listed as Species of Endangered by the IUCN, these frogs measure about 7–8 cm in body length. Common Tree Frogs can change their body colour to a certain extent to match the colour of their surroundings. In day time when they are in rest, they sport white colour. In night when they are active, they sport light-dark brown colour. Males have internal vocal sacs. They wipe themselves with skin secretions consisting of mucus and lipids that help in reducing moisture loss. When temperatures are higher they secrete from the skin ("sweat"), pant and adopt lighter skin colours. In Hindi, Common Tree Frog is called ‘Chunam’ Frog. Chunam means lime. This frog bears white colouration, the colour of lime, and that is how it has got its name. If it’s not hibernating, it will surely come out at night to hunt, studies show that this frog comes out every night to hunt but it returns to the exact place at dawn. Frogs can absorb water through skin. But this particular species has developed this to a greater level. They can absorb significant amount of water and store it partly under abdomen and partly under the skin of hind legs.


Seen in my garden.


Seen it resting under a rose shrub where it was a bit colder. Locals call it Mandodari. It is said that if this frog is not disturbed, then it will stay in the same place for a year. No idea if all this is true. Description from wikipedia

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Wild Things
Wild Things 12 years ago

Thanks to both of you. Atul sir we both spotted the same frog species :)

Atul 12 years ago


Sachin Zaveri
Sachin Zaveri 12 years ago

Nice , ,

Wild Things
Spotted by
Wild Things

Maharashtra, India

Spotted on Mar 29, 2012
Submitted on Mar 29, 2012

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