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Spring Peeper

Pseudacris crucifer


This small tree frog is about 2.5 cm (1 in) in length. Coloration is variable among individuals, but typically tan or brownish in coloration. They often exhibit a darker "X" on the back, but this marking may be indistinct in many individuals. Like other tree frogs, the spring peeper has toe pads used to adhere to leaves and twigs.




I photographed this frog on an aspen tree just outside my office window, when I worked at the International Crane Foundation. This photograph was taken before digital capture was available so I'm not sure of the date it was taken, so guessed at that bit of info--should be somewhat close.

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Maria dB
Maria dB 12 years ago


rutasandinas 12 years ago

Excelente como siempre buenas tomas

Gordon Dietzman
Spotted by
Gordon Dietzman

Wisconsin, USA

Spotted on Jun 20, 1997
Submitted on Apr 3, 2012

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