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Green Anole or Carolina Anole

Anolis carolinensis


The Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis) is an arboreal lizard found primarily in the southeastern United States and some Caribbean islands. Other common names include the green anole, American anole and red-throated anole. It is sometimes referred to as the American chameleon due to its color-changing abilities; however, many lizards are capable of this, and anoles are not true chameleons. They are a small lizard, usually measuring 4–8 cm (1.6–3.1 in), about half of which is comprised by tail, and weighing 3–7 g (0.11–0.25 oz). Exceptionally, these anoles can measure up to 20 cm (7.9 in).[


This species is native to North America, where it is found mainly in the southeastern parts of the continent. Anoles are most abundant on the Atlantic Coastal Plains in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and Georgia, and the Gulf Coastal Plain in Texas. The species has been introduced into Hawaii and the Ogasawara Islands


Not as plentiful as the Cuban Brown,but as it goes in this state, the invasive species tend to take over.

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Temple Terrace, Florida, USA

Spotted on Apr 18, 2012
Submitted on Apr 18, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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