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The Mourning Dove

Zenaida macroura


A medium size bird (weigh 4–6 ounces, usually closer to 4.5 ounces). Their coloring is light brown to brown in both males and females. The bird's distinctive call: woo-OO-oo-oo-oo


Commonly seen in varies "open and semi-open habitats" and adopts well to human altered environments. It is one of the most abundant birds in North America.


Compared to other references, these two doves look to be chicks or juveniles...or I have the wrong bird. This is because the adult's feathers look to be shorter and less "fluffy" . Also, the adults have a distinctive crescent-shaped spot where the feathers are darker, just below the eyes, while these chicks do not have this feature.

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1 Comment

Maria dB
Maria dB 12 years ago

nice spotting!

A.I. Stepniewski
Spotted by
A.I. Stepniewski

New York, USA

Spotted on Sep 12, 2006
Submitted on Apr 22, 2012

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