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Bull Mallow,Malva

Malva nicaeensis


spotted in a agriculture field near my house,it's malvas in portuguese,used in traditional medecin as anti infections,my grand mother use it for desinfecting the mouth when the teeth where hurting

1 Species ID Suggestions

HemaShah 12 years ago
Bull Mallow
Malva nicaeensis Malva nicaeensis

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AntónioGinjaGinja 12 years ago

@Sérgio,my prefered history teacher,you descibe the Portuguese situation perfectly,we where traped in this corner of the iberian península,so we have no alternative and we began the so call now globalization,true the oceans,changing all kind of organisms and cultures between continents,some times for the best,others for the worst,it's mankind way of existence:)
@Emma thanks for the id,California is a cross road of all this globalization process,you have a incredible history of mixing cultures and organisms since pré.historic times,Portuguese and Spanish peoples,carried with them all the stuff neaded to survive during the voyages and after ,the things to began the colonizing process,like i said this one was a very used medicinal plant used for several desises(?),i never read or listen from my grandmother that it was edible,i remember to take a decotion made by her when i was changing the milk teeth and the taste is bitter,not a good flavour:)so maiby introduced because of the medical interest
@Christiane,like i remenber they used it like you describe,it was a very common used plant,every body haved Malvas in home,i remember that my grandmother asit allways near

Christiane 12 years ago

A decoction of the plant has been used in the treatment of migraine headaches. A poultice of the heated leaves has been applied to the head or stomach to relieve pain. A decoction of the roots has been used to treat fevers, especially in children.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

Did your grandma boil the leaves or flower in water and use it ?

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

Some of the non native species maybe beneficial in supporting wild life.
The Eucalyptus which was brought on the first rail roads to California however does not support much wild life in California. The native oak is being re -planted and they are gradually removing the Eucalyptus.
The Eucalyptus is very pleasant . But I never see people make much use of Eucalyptus oil here.Besides it does not support our wild life too.

Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 12 years ago

Emma, consider that: 1, the southern third of continental US once belonged to Spain; 2, Spain, as well as Portugal had colonies all around the world; 3, neither spanish or portuguese had any scruples in transfer species from one colony to other, and you can imagine why there are so many Mediterranean species in California... Actually, the greatest brazilian agricultural products are foreign species - soy beans (China), coffe (Middle East), sugar cane (Asia through Middle East) and corn (Peru).

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

Even if the Portuguese brought it here in the ship ,there must have been some reason to bring these wild flowers with them. Maybe they were of medicinal use or also could have been edible.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

nice last picture,Antonio.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

I can see the history teacher in you Asergio!!
Many of the wild flowers i have spotted in California are native to the Mediterranean. Therefore when ever i see a wild flower,i go straight to a Mediterranean link to identify it. Makes me wonder how they got here.

Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 12 years ago

Emma, one of the great ironies of history is that, even considered a Mediterranean people, just this sea was virtually closed to him. With its only terrestrial route to the rest of Europe often questioned by Spain, portuguese people had no choice but to turn to other seas - so becoming great navigators. That is why today we find Monteiros in Brazil ...

AntónioGinjaGinja 12 years ago

Yes,we are considered mediterranean people in a mediterranean clima,but we dont have mediterranean sea only atlantic and in Braga,Porto,Spain in Galicia and Basque country,generaly in the north of iberian peninsula is a mediterranean clima with a touch of rain fall and cold's temperature similar to northen countrys,but the culture ,the people beahveour, is very similar,i hope i awnser your question:)

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

Is Braga , Portugal considered to be part of the Mediterranean?

Braga, Portugal

Spotted on Apr 13, 2012
Submitted on Apr 22, 2012

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