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Gumby Gumby

Pittosporum Phylliraeoides


Gumby Gumby is a rare member of the botanical family Pittosporum. It is a shrub or small tree native to Australia. Whilst six varieties can be found in the state of Queensland alone, it is wise to be careful when harvesting Gumby Gumby leaves as some of the varieties are toxic and only a few have a good, aromatic taste and are beneficial.


Gumbi Gumbi (Pittosporum angustifellium) is an age-old Aboriginal natural remedy, also known as Cumbi cumbi and meemeei depending on regional dialects. It is sometimes described as the most multi-purpose bush medicine in the central Queensland region. It is rare because it is eaten avidly by cattle. Gumbi Gumbi is drunk as a tea and has reportedly wonderful healing properties. The dried leaves of Gumbi Gumbi can also be crushed and put into an empty capsule (purchased at the chemist) and taken that way.

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1 Comment

Christiane 12 years ago

Finally it is growing in my herb garden.. The most talked about plant in Australia for cancer treatment.

Spotted by

4671, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Apr 24, 2012
Submitted on Apr 24, 2012

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