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Tiger Cranefly

Nephrotoma australasiae


A delicate mosquito-like fly with long legs and slender body about 25mm long. The thorax has distinct dark markings, with a median inverted "v". The abdomen has annular dark markings giving it a striped look. This crane fly was slightly thicker in the abdomen suggesting that it might be female. Pic #1 shows one of the pair of halteres, seen as a knob stuck on a slender stalk. This is the reduced and modified hind wing used for balancing.


dry schlerophyll forest with open grassland


I spotted this crane fly with a million others hovering around and walking around short grass. I am unsure if this is significant but they seemed to favour spots with rabbit droppings. The larvae of these flies are called "leather jackets" - they live on grass roots and known to be pests on cricket grounds.
Belongs to the Family Tipulidae in Order Diptera

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1 Comment

rutasandinas 12 years ago


Leuba Ridgway
Spotted by
Leuba Ridgway

Victoria, Australia

Spotted on Apr 28, 2012
Submitted on Apr 28, 2012

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