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Olive Baboon

Papio Anubis


The olive baboon is named for its coat, which, at a distance, is a shade of green-grey. At closer range, its coat is multi-colored, due to rings of yellow-brown and black on the hairs. The hair on the baboon's face, however, is coaser and ranges from dark grey to black. This coloration is shared by both sexes, although males have a mane of longer hair that tapers down to ordinary length along the back. Besides the mane, the male olive baboon differs from the female in terms of size and weight; males are, on average, 70 cm (28 in) tall and weigh 24 kg (53 lb); females measure 60 cm (24 in) and 14.7 kg (32 lb). Olive baboons are sexual dimorphic in body and canine tooth size.


Throughout its wide range, the olive baboon can be found in a number of different habitats. It is usually classified as savanna-dwelling, living in the wide plains of the grasslands. The grasslands, especially those near open woodland, do make up a large part of its habitat, but the baboon also inhabits rainforests and deserts. Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, for instance, both support olive baboon populations in dense tropical forests.


I snapped this shot from a moving bus in Gulu, Uganda back in 2007.

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Spotted on May 13, 2012
Submitted on May 14, 2012

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