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Red Imported Fire Ants

Solenopsis invicta


Originally from South America, this aggressive species was introduced accidentally into the USA in the 30's. Despite extensive attempts to eliminate this pest, the species has only expanded its range. The ant was first introduced into Alabama by cargo ship, but now has populations west to Texas and east to North Carolina. Unfortunately, it seems this species is extirpating the native Black Carpenter Ant (Camponotus pennsylvanicus), which have had a major population decline since I moved here to Georgia in 1997. RIFA will bite when their nest is messed with, Black Carpenter Ants will not.


Think of everywhere and you'll have a good idea.


I believe the pictured colony to be partaking in promiscuous activities.

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Georgia, USA

Spotted on May 15, 2012
Submitted on May 20, 2012

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