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Fowler's Toad, tadpole

Bufo fowleri


My little tadpoles are growing up fast! This is the biggest of them, and it now has all four legs. The tail has not shrunk yet, but it looks like a toadlet. Starting to use its legs as well as tail to swim and move around. Also experimenting with poking its head out of the water. I photographed it in a milk cap, then returned it to the terrarium.


From a river at Ben Burton Park, where I found it in the shallows, on a silty riverbed, with hundreds or thousands of other tadpoles. Currently housed in a terrarium on my kitchen counter :). I will return them all to the wild once they've finished metamorphosis.

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Mandy Hollman
Spotted by
Mandy Hollman

Georgia, USA

Spotted on Jun 1, 2012
Submitted on Jun 1, 2012

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