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Ladybug larvae?


PaoloCo 12 years ago

I think its the spotless lady bug because near it there were other ladybug which were spotless lady bug

PaoloCo 12 years ago

Thank u very much i learned a lot

AbigailParker 12 years ago

Lady beetle pupa - a fresh one, it just pupated here. As the pupa gets older it will become darker orange and have brown/black markings on it. The adult beetle will emerge in about a week. The shed larval skin and legs are visible at the rear of the pupa, and the leg arrangement points to genus Cycloneda. It is either the Spotless Lady Beetle (Cycloneda sanguinea) or the Western Blood-red Lady Beetle (Cycloneda polita) - I can't tell them apart as pupae.

Yip, it's a Ladybug Larvae. AbigailParker is a new community member here and is quite the expert on Ladybugs! Hopefully she can let you know which species this is.

Spotted by

California, USA

Spotted on May 21, 2012
Submitted on Jun 1, 2012

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